May 15th is Endangered Species Day - I hope you celebrate today and this weekend by studying the endangered species we share the planet with and vow to help them! Check out the links below and make sure you use the hashtag #LearningFunWithLaura when you share the things you're doing to celebrate!
Visit to learn about and find additional links on Endangered Species Day.
Send an E-Card:
Take the pledge to limit your use of single use plastics and avoid balloons - learn about their dangers and part in endangering animals:
Suggested Reading:
Check out this endangered species map to learn about what is endangered where you live - use this as a jumping off point to learn about and learn how you can help save these animals:
Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered Species Day Resources:
F&W Service Activities:
Endangered Species Comic Strip Activity:
The World Wildlife Federation does a lot of work to help endangered species - check out this link for past lessons they have put together while schools have been closed:
WWF Minecraft:
Endangered Species Lesson Plan and Activities (Including a crossword Puzzle):
Tons of links here:
Endangered Species Coloring Sheets:
Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered Species Coloring Book - Super informative:
Coloring Pages:
The EPA Coloring Book:
Additional EPA Learning Resources:
Make sure you show me all the fun you get into while learning at home, these animals need our help and learning young can set a good foundation! :)