When we think about celebrating diversity, one of the influential people that we think about is Martin Luther King. There are endless activities for you to jump into about MLK that can help with diversity earning and exposure. Check out just some of the Martin Luther King activities below, a lot of them revolve around his famous I Have a Dream speech.
MLKs Speech:
MLK Word Search
Kings Dream Lesson Plan:
Identifying with a Hero Lesson Plan:
Excerpt from I Have a Dream speech PDF to use for found poems or any other activities you can think up:
Examples of Found Poems PDF:
Speech Quotations PDF:
Let Freedom Ring Lesson Plan - includes videos, and more:
MLK Interactive Timeline:
Printable MLK Crossword Puzzle:
MLK Crossword:
The Vision of MLK Lesson Plan:
MLK Word Search:
MLK Word Search:
My Dream Printable:
Peaceful Protesters Printable:
Big Dreams Worksheet:
MLK Timeline Worksheet:
Equality Worksheet:
"King" Worksheet:
I hope you find some of these lessons and activities helpful in your quest to better teach diversity to the littles in your life. Stay tuned, I have many days left of information and resources and the internet is such a wealth of resources, I can't possibly share it all. Use the hashtag #LearningFunWithLaura when you post the learning you've done, and be sure to show me if there are things you think I should include in a post. #BlackLivesMatter